Dear Brian, love Jim

Published on 28 September 2024 at 21:34

Dear Brian,

               Wow what a time its ben. Sorey for not texting u back for a month but I was feelin a little shy and embarased Ud understand. Anyways maybe I should start from the begining. Me and Tim, we alway... were a lil.. homo... as tjhe sun of a pastor I.. knew that acting on the feelings was wrong.. So me and Tim never looked or toched in any ways until one day when we had a... doubles match with my ex wife and tims ex wife and tim when we were both marryed to ladys. the ladys kissed lady, i kissed tim an.. more.. :O WOW! i dont know what 2 say my ex wife was hotie but a man is like WHA! after I say NO HOMO!!!!! Any ways she a bitch so we had secret analment and bribe the church to not talk about that mistake.. but I always think of the night with Tim...

               After diverse I think wow maybe I should give the pretty young lady at the other farm a chance so I take U2 cracker barrels and the rest was herstory. We saw the Challengers with Tim and well,, had uhh, triples match like the movie. After that night... was posible that ether me or Tim could be father to the little life inside U. (or God....?) After, we all said a huge NO HOMO! Thanks for rly trying with set up User user with Tim but I think Tim tired that User and only rly likes men.... (Dont ask what happened to his ex wife lol) But during the beach party, Bridgit bribed Tim and Prim to switch to her side and be moles. She may have offered them shares in a certan company and inside info about aliens... any way they swap like JUDAS and stole ur friend user. 

               Then they both got jobs in Bridgit's lair in the Harvard basement. I then offered myself to work in her basement (secretly, as a mole for the TTPD). But there I got to know Tim in ways I never had before. Bridgit had a pro-LGBTQ envirement were my love for Tim was alloud to be free. I rly did love U brian Ur brillant in a way I never Though a woman can be and sometimes U made me laugh, plus ur really hot and I love how ur a hero to the TTPD. How ever, my love for Tim is like sole mats. I couldn't believe when I learned you were pregnant...

              I was happy when you free me. But I'm not good with confrontation... so I pretended I forgot you. Sorry. The memory loss was kinda a ... prank. LMAO! I rly didnt know now to face being a father. any ways. the pont is.... speking of hating confrontation.....


Me and Tim have ran away together and eloped in San Franisco. We have opened an artisan cupcake shop featuring fresh goat/sheep dairy products. It is a big hit. So Brian... it's over. I will call you with the location of the notorazed deeds to our farms. This is legal agrement that we will give U the farms and U may take all profits in your leagal ownreship. That will pay for the kid right?? Plus you have that freaky clone.. 


Brian I will never forget you. Our trip to Waco, Cracker Barrel, the TTPD missions, were all very cool. But this is me... gay... and maybe... this might make you consider some things inside yourself. I love you in a certan way, and I might visit for the holidays. Tim has also contact Bridgit much at Northwood Space in Californa, FYI!!! 


Love, Jim


I have automate this blog be post in 4 weeks

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2 months ago


2 months ago

I am upset about this. I can’t stand Jim

2 months ago

So happy to finally start our lives together and be free baby cakes😘😍

user User
2 months ago

as usual, I am much upset at Jim for being the worst baby daddy this timeline has ever seen 🤬 he’s such a little b****

22 days ago

disappointed in you, jim.